Friday, April 2, 2010

You Might be a 2010 Mommy if . . .

I know that's the redneck's bit but . . .

In case you ever find yourself at a birthday party and can't remember whether you are at a modern birthday party or one from say, 25 years ago, I have compiled a guide:

1985: "Themed birthday party???"

2010: Theme = Springtime in Paris

1985: The mother just got out of the shower but managed to put on a puffy paint t-shirt, spandex and pull her hair into a scrunchy.

2010: Both parents are dressed like artists.

1985: A sad looking paper donkey with a pock-marked hide, several fatal looking wounds to the head and a tail stuck to his abdomen

2010: A 4-foot French poodle pinata

1985: A 4-gallon tub of ice cream and a yellow cake with chocolate frosting

2010: Miniature Eiffel Tower cakes

1985: Present from grandma: a real screwdriver to put in the toolbox she gave you for Christmas

2010: Present from grandma: a trip to Paris

1985: 10 kids; no parents

2010: The presence of every kid within a 10 mile radius of the birthday child's home

1985: Impromptu games such as "Harass the hapless toad unlucky enough to have hopped into Nicole's yard on the big day."

2010: French manicures

1985: Pointy paper hats with rubber bandy straps stapled to the sides

2010: Berets

1985: Jumping on the bed and a red-faced mother screaming, "Jenny B," (every other kid in the 1980's was named "Jennifer", even the boys), "I'm gonna call your mother and tell her to take you home!"

2010: A bounce house the size of the Louvre

1985: Air-popped popcorn

2010: Baguettes and Crepes

1985: Spin the tail on the bottle because the few parents who stuck around are in the living room swigging Shasta

2010: Parent-manned activity centers including, "Make your own Monet!"

1985: Party favors - A kazoo no one ever intended for actual noise-making

2010: Party favors - lavender seedlings

1985: Thank you cards???

2010: Thank you cards with a picture of the exhausted child dwarfed by a veritable Alps of presents

I admit with a little chagrin that I am the 2010 mommy (and if you are thinking of a Paris-themed birthday party, you are too). But on the other hand, you can be confident that there will be no kissing in closets at Weston's birthday parties, not even French kissing.


Lisa Francis said...

I can't get enough of what you have to say! 8) This really made me laugh. It's so true, too. Keep the musings coming!

Deanna Haendiges said...

In 1990 I had six Jennifers in one choir class...

josieO said...

So how was the party?